Analysis of longevity traits in Holstein Friesian cows


  • Constantin Găvan Agriculture Research and Development Station Șimnic, Craiova, Șoseau Bălcești, no. 54, 200721, Dolj, Romania.


survival rate, number of parities, length of productive life


Survival rate (SR) number of parities and length of productive herd life (LPHL) were evaluated for Holstein Friesian cows that calved beginning January 1, 2000 through May 2021 in a research dairy farm. A total of 870 lactation records were examined. Average Survival Rates (SRs) were 75.8% to parity 2, 49.7% to parity 3, 37.3% to parity 4, 18.6% to parity 5, 11% to parity 6, 6.3% to parity 7 and 3.3% to parity 8. A change for a better survival rate of cows over the span, years 2011-2021 compared with 2000-2010 was found to parity 2 and to parity 3 (significant differences). For the rest of parities (to 4, to 5, to 6, to 7 and to 8) the differences were non-significant. Average number of parities over the spam years 2000 to 2015 was 2.81. Linear regression of average of parities on year of first calving was positive (R=0.2786) and this means that was a weak direct relationship between variables. A change in the year of first calving with 1 impacted a change in the number of parities with 0.006. Average productive herd life (months) over the span years 2000 to 2015 was 33.86. Linear regression of average LPHL by year of first calving was positive (R=0.6513) and this means that was a strong direct relationship between variables. A change in the year of first calving with 1, impacted a change in the number of parities with 0.1889. The results of this study can give important information for economic studies on dairy herd management


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